16 December 2013

New stuff from eBay and some Christmas crafting♥


Didn't get any time to post last week even thought I had a day off.
But that means that now I have more to post about.

Firstly there's some stuff I got from eBay and lastly some Christmas cards and gifts I've made. Sadly this year I didn't have enough time to make all the cards myself, so all except the cards for Mom and Dad were bought, thought I did add some glitter and/or pears to them.
At least I managed to send them on time...

I am doing my best on the gifts part thought. Most I'll be making myself, unless I happen to see something that I think would fit someone perfectly.

Anyway, on with the show!

^ Here's the new stuff from eBay! Two pairs of earrings (the rose ones have tiny crystals inside♥), eyelash adhesive (Korean/Chinese cheap stuff is the best) a new mascara and some small brushes for small details. I tried to take some pictures of how the mascara looks but I failed..


And next is couple new bags. Not from eBay thought.

^ We got these shopping bags at work and I fell in love with this one. And now I carry all the stuff I buy in it. So much better to carry than the average plastic bag.

^ And my early Christmas gift! My old big hand bag was.. well, old. And half dead. So it was time for a new one. And so it happened that after telling about seeing this lovely new bag at Sokos mall I was promised it.


And now some artsy-fartsy craftings.

^ Hand made Christmas cards for Mom and Dad.

^ A hairband for my boss's daughter. The rose can also be taken off and worn as a brooch etc.

^ Added some pearls to the hairband to make it more interesting.

^ And nothing else but a pink high heel for the little Princess.

^ And a wreath. Might give this to my boss too, since the necklace feels a bit.. Well, not enough.

^ Closer.


And that's it for today. Next post will be up most likely some day next week. Not on Sunday since we're having some guests here (Mom and my little brother♥). And tomorrow we're having a little Christmas part at work.

Anyway, next post might be about more eBay stuff if they get here. Or something else.


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