24 March 2013


Hello and long time no see!

I have been quite busy/tired the past week so I haven't gotten anything done really. I had work for the past four days and by the time I was home I was too tired to do anything, and it was already getting dark enough to have problems taking pictures.

But I finally got the bag I ordered from eBay! So now I can make my "favourite bags" post. 

So, of course, starting with the newest bag. It's a black leather (haven't bothered to check if it's real.. doubt it) with golden metal parts and black lace in the front. Price was around 10 British pounds, so I think somewhere around 15€. 

^ Tadah! And the lining is very cute! Large dark brown polka dots :)
And has a long shoulder strap too, so I can carry it in many ways.

Next is the smallest bag I own, which I got from Lumous Festival XII (a "gothic" festival). Nothing that special about it (the festival), but the bag/clutch is very pretty and feminine. If I remember correct, this one was 20€.

^ Woah! I really love the huge flower it has. And the lining is cute too! <3

And then the next one is oldest of these (my current favourites). I ordered it few couple years ago from Japan. It was around 15€ (including postage). And a cute bow to decorate it. I also like the white stitching it has.

^ A bit abused, but still staying in one piece.

And next is another eBay purchase. Lovely, big, black, envelope clutch. Skull embossing, and dark silvery studs. It was around 7-10 British pounds, so 10-15€ I'd say.

^ I've been waiting for warmer weathers to get to use this, since it doesn't really look that great with my winter coats. But soon! Also comes with a long shoulder strap so I won't lose it that easily :)

And here's the whole set! I forgot to take a separate picture of the golden envelope clutch, but you can see it quite well in this picture. This one I got free with a perfume my fiancĂ© bought me for Christmas. 

^ Lot's of cat hair going on in these photos. Oh well, that's what you get from having cats <3

There! I have no idea if any of them are actually real leather, but with the low prices it doesn't really matter. If they end up dying in a while, it's not that big of a loss. But so far they've been doing great with all sort of weathers, from hot to freezing. :)

And that is also all for today. Our cat's phantom pregnancy is getting more and more .. Well, more. Now there isn't just one mammary gland swollen, but two, and few others are showing signs of swelling too. However, she's still the happy little cat she's always been, eats, plays and craps normally, so everything is fine in the kingdom. :)

I'll also try to get some "art" done, so I can post about those too, I've just been very tired lately, might be the spring, but fear not, I'll make something. I'm also going to bake next week, so I'll post about that! 
If I remember to take photos :P

Byebye! <3

~ Woah! Thoughts? Anyone know why the lightbox isn't working? :/


  1. How beautiful little bags and purses phewehew *u* The new one is so cool, happy for you! Well, all of them are but I bet the new one is your baby now, theeh. I'd love to have money to buy new one(s), too.

  2. Aw thanks<3
    Just keep checking eBay, great place to find stuff with great prices :)
